Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Recipes For Younger

Nobody wants to die young, life is not eternal, we must die, leaving behind everything that we love, family, friends, our joy, etc., etc.. 

But, what if we can survive longer just a little ..., a grandfather or a grandmother who supervise the grandchildren. And tell them, that when young, we've become a young man whose ridiculous, telling funny experiences, telling the experiences that can inspire. Surely this is fun is not it?

1. Sport

Hayo, who still lazy sport? Apparently this is important you know for our physical fitness.

How busy you are, make time for exercise.

For children boarding, these tips it was so difficult ... Eat regularly ...? Not wrong ...? Although trivial, this turns out to be one of them ageless recipe. Surely not from eating a balanced diet for sure. And I suppose the reader already knows how to eat balanced it. To remember. Irregular eating, do not be late to eat.

Two glasses of water is good for the body system. I am not a doctor, nor shaman. Not wewnang me to explain scientifically the white water, is actually not a white water white water anyway ... if it can be milky white ... rather drink boiled water, which is already cooked, and the color is clear and odorless.

It's not our body consists of physical components, yes? There's contents, soul, mind, and feelings. So do not stress hobby! Just relax, that important work can be completed properly. Lha for example if it continues to stress. Meet with friends, others, or who aja, that it can relieve stress levels. If you want durable life ...

Well, it turns out that fasting also pentting Lhoh! For readers who are Muslims, Ramadan fasting does not have to fit not, there are Monday-Thursday fasting, there is fasting Dawud, Pun also for Christians, there is fasting ahead of Easter as well, for both Hindus also fastting during Nyepi, etc.. 

What are the benefits of fasting? Apparently, one of which could dampen passions are good baseball.

For example, we mauu maraah ni, the same person. And remember ... Oooo yes yes, I just fasting. Fasting do not be angry, and mass-another example ...

This recipe is adapted from the many interviews with people who are still healthy elderly. Their average age above 63'an years and still frequently lua mobile into the city.

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